Download Psychosocial Frames of Reference Core for Occupation-Based Practice 3E

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Psychosocial Frames of Reference has a successful history as a resource for planning psychosocial occupational therapy intervention. This exceptional new edition continues to provide a comprehensive description of occupational therapy and relevant psychological, social, and cognitive theories, plus real-life examples that contribute to the readers understanding of the person and his or her mental health concerns as they influence the ability to engage in meaningful occupation. The previous editions of Psychosocial Frames of Reference prepared students to work in the mental health specialty of occupational therapy practice. The third edition continues to prepare students for mental health specialty and additionally applies psychosocial theories to practice in multiple contexts outside the field of mental health. It is a text grounded in the professions belief that addressing psychosocial issues is at the core of all occupational therapy. Psychosocial Frames of Reference: Core for Occupation-Based Practice, Third Edition describes the three variables of person, activity, and environment and helps the reader to understand the relationships among these variables as they are viewed by the theoretical models presented in the text. The text provides an overview of the evolution of mental health theory models and thereby helps the reader put information into perspective. Theoretical summaries are supplemented with extensive bibliographies that the reader can explore and use as a springboard for finding evidence-for-practice. The theoretical and practice guides provided in the text act as a basis for clinical reasoning and help the reader in the selection of a particular frame of reference and the identification of intervention strategies.Features Comprehensive discussions of the occupational therapy, psychological, social, and cognitive theories that create the foundation for practice. Extensive bibliography that reflects both breadth and depth, and contributes to the knowledge needed for evidence-based practice. Comprehensive discussion of the theoretical basis for client-centered practice in occupational therapy. Rather than providing a recipe for intervention, this text gives the reader a way to reason and discriminate among the multiple avenues that intervention could take. Extensive discussion of crisis intervention and the occupational therapists response to self-destructive behavior. Make a Refundable deposite :: Express HelpLine Your personal information and card details are 100% secure About Us Recent Question User Login Security & Privacy Policy Question list Terms of Service
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